Day 25-Matthew Chapter 26

  • Verse 18 shows Jesus declaring His intention to celebrate Passover at a specific house, signifying a clear proclamation rather than a mere request.
  • In verses 27 and 28, Jesus speaks of shedding His blood for many, indicating His sacrifice is not limited to a select few. This raises questions about how to understand this part in light of other Gospel authors mentioning God’s chosen children already on earth.
  • My understanding of the Gospel, shaped by the scriptures so far, is open to evolution as more experience and knowledge are gained. However, based on my current understanding and experiences, here is what I comprehend about the Gospel:

“The Gospel signifies that when we acknowledge God’s existence and believe He sent Jesus to this earth, we begin to understand God’s actions and gain the strength to live according to His will on earth. Jesus, through His obedience and sacrifice, shedding His blood and resurrecting, fulfills this covenant.”

  • Verses 37 and 38 depict Jesus’ foreknowledge and sorrow over His crucifixion, urging His disciples to pray against temptation and for Himself. However, the disciples, not fully grasping the impending death on the cross and overwhelmed by fatigue, failed to pray for Him.
  • Jesus prayed to avoid the suffering of the cross due to His knowledge of the impending pain within His relationship with God. However, He ultimately submitted to God’s will, affirming His identity as the Son of God.
  • The disciples failed to fully grasp God’s will until after Jesus’ ascension when the Holy Spirit descended, enabling them to understand the relationship between Jesus and God. They then dedicated their lives to following God’s will.
  • The distinction between Jesus and the four great sages (Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Socrates(?)) regarding heaven (or enlightenment/nirvana in Buddhism) is notable. While sages sought enlightenment through deep internal meditation, Jesus achieved it through His relationship with God, suggesting heaven is understood through this relationship. I believe, like Jesus, we can also experience and achieve heaven on earth through a relationship with God.
  • Jesus mentioned the spatial concept of heaven after death, but it seems not to be the main focus. Living in heaven’s experience now makes the afterlife’s heaven a bonus, appreciated whether it exists or not.
  • Religious scholars say religion is needed because it addresses the fear of death, hence its universal presence.
  • Through a continuous relationship with God, I’ve overcome the fear of death. Being in God’s presence means death is not frightening, similar to Enoch’s experience, which likely holds symbolic meaning.
  • How can one verify heaven’s existence before death? The existence of heaven ultimately boils down to faith. Focusing solely on the afterlife at the expense of present life can lead to negative consequences, such as sects only longing for heavenly promises.


Hoping it might someday benefit those who yearn for a relationship with God, I’ve created this note today.

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