Day31-Luke Chapter 8

• Verses 15, 21: The saying “the seed fell on good soil” means “those who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.” Additionally, it is said that “those who hear the word and put it into practice” are Jesus’ mother and brothers.

• Verse 31: A demon, referring to itself as ‘Legion,’ pleaded with Jesus not to send them into the Abyss. Following Jesus’ command, the demons entered a herd of pigs instead. I pray each morning as I was taught by my missionary brother: “Evil Satan, you shall depart to the Abyss! By the name of Jesus, I declare that you cannot touch even a fingertip of me, a child of God. You shall depart to the Abyss!”

• Verse 44: A woman who had been suffering from bleeding for twelve years and had not been healed by anyone, touched the back of Jesus’ robe and was healed. (Jesus notices our silent pleas.)


  1. Let’s pay attention to those who feel marginalized and hesitant to step forward, both inside and outside the church. (This seems practically feasible in the church setting.)
  2. Verses 48, 50: There is an emphasis on “one’s own faith” (Your faith has saved you). The same miracles appear in this chapter, so let’s compare them with other Gospels.
  3. Verse 51: Chief disciples (Peter, James, John) – Let’s examine what I need to do to bear fruit through perseverance. And prepare for it ‘as if it has already happened.’

• Finish writing the list of six things to do today.

Day 30- Luke Chapter 7

  • Verse 26: Jesus referred to John the Baptist as a prophet superior to Himself. Moreover, He declared that among those born of women, there is none greater than John; yet, in the kingdom of God, even the least is greater than John. Jesus clearly stated, “John is the one sent ahead of me by God.”
  • I have a question. As far as I know, the Pharisees and the scribes thought of John the Baptist as a prophet, so why didn’t they get baptized by him?
  • Verses 37, 50: When Jesus was at a Pharisee’s house, a sinful woman approached Him from behind, crying and washing His feet with her tears, wiping them with her hair, kissing them, and anointing them with perfume (37). Observing this, Jesus told the Pharisee that the woman expressed such great love because she was aware of the magnitude of her sins, which were many and now forgiven. Jesus then said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you.”
  • Jesus usually does not visit the homes of Pharisees, so perhaps the woman, having heard that He was there today (37), was emboldened to go? Relying on Jesus, who had sought out a Pharisee regarded as a sinner, she found the courage to enter the house, believing that she too would be accepted.
  • Although I’m not sure if this story fits the context, it’s something I’ve experienced several times at church. When I treat marginalized individuals informally, others who have not received much attention feel free to come to my side. They seem to open their hearts after observing how I interact with others. In another situation, when I joyfully engage in kitchen work or menial tasks at church, others, perhaps inspired by this, wish to join me. I wonder if the kingdom of God involves people imitating and learning from those who first understand God’s will.
  • As someone who has received much grace, I think once again that wherever I am and whatever I do, I must take the initiative to share love and serve others.


What could be an opportunity for leading by example? (Given that I currently have few interactions with people…) Whenever I find myself in a social situation, I should remember today’s reflection.

Day29- Luke Chapter 5

  • Verse 14: After healing a leper, Jesus told the man to go and show himself to the priest and announce that he had been healed of his leprosy. This act was to serve as evidence that Jesus was the Son of God.
  • Verses 19 and 20: A fascinating miracle occurs where four friends lower a paralyzed man through the roof to Jesus. Seeing their faith, Jesus heals the man. Would I have been bold enough, like those friends, to tear through a roof for my friend? This scene allows us to glimpse the magnitude of their faith, believing Jesus would heal him.
  • Among other miracles of Jesus, He mentioned that if one prays believing that they have already received what they ask for, it will be theirs. The friends must have believed the paralysis would be healed, hence their daring act. Let’s reflect on our current prayer requests, considering if we are acting as though they have already been fulfilled.
  • Verses 27 and 28: The scene where Jesus calls Matthew to be his disciple unfolds. When Jesus said, “Follow me,” Matthew got up, leaving everything behind, to follow Him. Matthew seemed to have been waiting for Jesus’ call. Likewise, I should always be prepared, not hesitating or making excuses when called.


1.To act upon as if they have already happened:

1-1) English – Believing that one day it will be utilized, keep preparing with urgency as if that day has come. Recently, if there has been a slack in learning English (speaking, reading, writing), aim to explain the Kingdom of God in English.

1-2) Continue writing meditation notes, believing there will be people to share them with someday.

1-3) Prepare physically (exercise) for future moments where physical assistance is needed, like community service.

2. Things to Apply Today

2-1) Physical strength: For future times when physical help is needed – like serving meals in a community.: Exercise today (5 PM): Done

2-3) Finish English writing assignment 1A, read chapter 5 of Purpose Driven Life: Done

2-4) Start watching at least one episode of the Ellen Show again

2-5) Write down six important tasks for tomorrow: Done

2-6) Writing down tasks for the next day has been reduced to 2-3 times a week recently.

Day 28 -Luke Chapter 3

  • John’s character revealed in Luke 3:7-8 is direct and challenging. He calls the crowd coming for baptism a “brood of vipers,” warning them of impending wrath and emphasizing the importance of true repentance. John challenges them to bear fruits worthy of repentance.
  • Luke 3:11-14 explains how to live life. Those who have two tunics should share with those who have none, and the same goes for those who have food. It also warns against extorting others.
  • Recently, I’ve been listening to a podcast about the life of Siddhartha Gautama, and according to Lecture 32 by Ven. Beopryun, around 600 BC, Siddhartha attained a similar enlightenment. It seems that in Buddhism, just as in Christianity, the teachings originally intended by Siddhartha (Buddhist doctrines) are sometimes miscommunicated by his disciples to the people. For example, the Buddha emphasized the importance of living in the present moment rather than reincarnation. Let’s summarize Lecture 32 by Ven. Beopryun.
  • Verse 8: Calls for bearing fruit in keeping with repentance. After repentance, corresponding fruits must follow.
  • Verse 9: John says that God can do everything, even changing the lineage of priests. He criticizes the arrogance of the priests. (John’s words: “Do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham.”)
  • John’s direct and sharp critique of the leaders of his time reminds us of Jesus. At that time, not many could afford such thoughts or actions. John lived according to his convictions, proclaiming God’s word in the wilderness. Therefore, he was regarded as a prophet sent by God among the people of Israel at that time. Those who are ahead of their time, like John, must also uphold their convictions in their attitude towards the world.


Let’s calculate the monthly cost needed for our retirement life without exceeding the limit. (After discussing with my husband: $4000/month. If more comes in, we want to use it for those who are in more difficult situations). Let’s stick to this conviction.

Day 27- Luke Chapter 2

  • In the time of Caesar Augustus (Octavian) of Rome, during the reign of Herod, the last king of Judea, the story of Jesus’ birth unfolds. Matthew’s Gospel records the Magi following a star to Bethlehem to worship baby Jesus, whereas Luke’s Gospel mentions shepherds and angels coming to Bethlehem to glorify and praise God before returning. Luke’s account focuses on the fulfillment of prophecy (the prophecies of the shepherds, Anna, and Simeon being fulfilled with the birth of Jesus).
  • Despite such evidence, Mary and Joseph did not understand that the prophecy had been fulfilled until Jesus was 12 years old. When Jesus was 12, an incident of his disappearance occurred, and he was found in the temple three days later. At that time, when his parents scolded him, Jesus asked, “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be at my Father’s house?” (verses 49, 50). His mother treasured all these words in her heart.
  • There was various evidence that Jesus was the Savior (testimonies of prophets, the Holy Spirit, John the Baptist, etc.), and when God initially mentioned Jesus’ birth to Mary, it is questionable if she could continue to maintain her faith. According to today’s scripture, it seems that the couple did not believe until Jesus was 12 years old. Luke also records that the parents did not understand the words Jesus had spoken to them.
  • Mary might have had a deep relationship with God through prayer and meditation, and possibly had a vague understanding of what God was going to do in the future. Today, I’m curious about Jesus’ childhood and life. Why are there no records of the period from when Jesus was 12 until he began his ministry at the age of 30?

<Reference Material>

  • Caesar Augustus (BC 63~AD 14): The first emperor of the Roman Empire, adopted son of Julius Caesar. (Real name: Octavian)
  • King Herod (BC 73~BC 4): Ruled the region of Judea under the Roman Empire, known for ordering the Massacre of the Innocents in Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’ birth according to the New Testament. This event is known as “The Massacre of the Bethlehem Infants,” though there are historical debates regarding the accuracy of the biblical account.
  • Herod Antipas (BC 20~AD 39): Son of the first King Herod. The King Herod who appears in Luke’s Gospel during Jesus’ suffering is this Herod Antipas. He was the tetrarch of Galilee and lived longer and maintained his kingship better than his brothers.
  • Scholars estimate that Jesus was born between 6 BC and 4 BC. How then did the terms B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini, the year of our Lord) come about?
  • In the 6th century AD, at the directive of Pope John I (pontificate AD 533~AD 535), a monk named Dionysius Exiguus developed a calendar for liturgical use, taking the birth of the Lord as the origin. However, due to a calculation error, it resulted in the strange conclusion that Christ was born around 6 BC.


  1. Recall and organize just one of the answers to prayers that God has given me in the past.
  2. Testimonies:

2.1 About professional ministry workers

2.2 Regarding Sam

2.3 About being led to pray for the town I live in

2.4 The promise that He would teach me how to walk with Him

***The sudden trip to Korea due to visa issues***

1) During prayer, I was shown someone picking up Sam’s head with their thumb and index finger and placing it somewhere completely different.

2) It was a time when the entire family was anxious because Sam could not get into the Math Honors class.

3) Eventually, I had to leave for Korea suddenly to solve the visa issue: the money I had been saving was all spent on the flight to Korea.

   Lessons from 1) 2) 3): No matter how anxious we are, God can change any situation if He wills (children, jobs, money…) -> Rely only on God.

   After forgetting about this incident for a year and being caught up in life (had a tough time with my husband), I was reminded of it during early morning prayer (‘You foolish people, you do not understand even when shown,’ says Isaiah) -> When I went home and checked my passport, the date was exactly the day I had left for Korea due to visa issues -> I came to rely on God again.

   One day, when I did not want to go to dawn prayer, I heard the words in a half-awake state (it wasn’t a dream), ‘I have something to tell you,’ so I immediately got up and went to dawn prayer.

—>The word given that day

While in the US, even though we may not be wealthy, He promised to provide what we need and teach us how to walk with God -> After this event, we moved to the countryside in the US, where there were hardly any Koreans, which led me to develop a habit of meditating on the Bible and pondering God on my own every day. I had never consistently read the Bible on my own before.

Day 26- Matthew Chapter 28

  • The last part of Matthew Chapter 27 mentions that after Jesus’ death, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered. They remembered Jesus’ words during His life (‘After three days I will rise again’), so they met to discuss preparations in case that event actually happened.
  • They were worried that if Jesus’ disciples stole His body and then told people that Jesus had risen, the temptation would be greater than before. Therefore, they decided to secure Jesus’ tomb for three days by sealing the stone and setting a guard.
  • Chapter 28 records the event where Jesus appeared to two women (Mary Magdalene and the other Mary) and the twelve disciples after His resurrection. At that time, the chief priests received a report from the guards that the body was missing from the tomb and paid the guards to spread the rumor that the disciples had stolen the body at night. Matthew writes that this story has been passed down among the Jews to this day (the early church period).
  • Among the four great saints (Buddha, Confucius, Socrates, Jesus), only Jesus claimed to be the Son of God (either directly or indirectly), and He was the only one who resurrected. The evidence of Jesus’ resurrection seen by the disciples and other people has been passed down to this day. Therefore, the vitality of Christianity lies in Jesus’ resurrection.
  • I, too, have felt confused about the Christian faith after hearing and seeing the words of some philosophers and saints recently. Especially when I heard Buddha’s preaching that ‘we only experience what is limited to us, and we are caught in the net of believing it,’ I was confused.

<Commonality among those who hold 62 views as seen by Buddha>

Humanity’s 62 views arise from feelings and experiences. Beings who do not know and see are merely feeling, and that feeling is only disturbed by views and experiences. No matter how much one talks about the past and the future, it is just reflecting their limited experiences and judging based on the experience here and now.

  • All experiences come from one’s limited experience, and it strongly takes hold as a feeling, making us judge it that way, but in reality, it is limited. To everyone, their experience is precious. That’s why they cling to their experience. Moreover, the experience I gained is not only part of it but also because I have invested a lot of my time and effort, I become attached to it, making it hard to let go.
  • I wondered if I, too, might have fallen into one of these 62 views that humanity could have. However, the view about Jesus’ resurrection is not merely based on feelings or experiences. The disciples who witnessed the resurrected Jesus experienced the fact and risked their lives to convey it. Therefore, I believe that Christianity cannot exist without the resurrection of Jesus.
  • In the book ‘Sapiens’ I’m currently reading, it is argued that ‘when numerous unknown people believe in a common myth (fiction), successful cooperation becomes possible,’ and thus sapiens created common religious myths. For example, the church (including Catholicism and Christianity) is rooted in a ‘common religious myth’ (believing that God was born in a human body to forgive our sins and willingly crucified), which made successful cooperation possible, and this cooperated great power has dominated humanity since.
  • However, I believe the resurrection is not fiction but a fact because it seems unlikely that humans would sacrifice their lives for fiction. The disciples died while transmitting the resurrected Jesus they witnessed.
  • The author of ‘Sapiens,’ Yuval Noah Harari, might think that the early Christian community, which did not witness the resurrection, created the resurrection as a common myth (the process of making fiction into a story) with the intention of creating a great power, even though they had not seen the resurrected Jesus. The author views Catholicism and Christianity as religions that have created a great power by creating a common religious myth.
  • Today’s meditation seems to be related. In Matthew Chapter 28, the Jews were worried that ‘if Jesus’ disciples stole His body and lied to the people that Jesus had risen, the temptation that would arise later would be greater than before.’
  • For reference, the earliest Christian community coexisted with Judaism from the year AD(?) to AD 70 after Jesus’ death. Afterward, Christianity (the group of disciples who witnessed Jesus’ resurrection) emerged as a separate religion when the Jerusalem Temple was destroyed by Rome in AD 70.


  1. Offer prayers of thanks and praise to God, who provided evidence of the resurrection.
  2. Let’s understand the differences between Judaism and Christianity (including Catholicism).

Day 25-Matthew Chapter 26

  • Verse 18 shows Jesus declaring His intention to celebrate Passover at a specific house, signifying a clear proclamation rather than a mere request.
  • In verses 27 and 28, Jesus speaks of shedding His blood for many, indicating His sacrifice is not limited to a select few. This raises questions about how to understand this part in light of other Gospel authors mentioning God’s chosen children already on earth.
  • My understanding of the Gospel, shaped by the scriptures so far, is open to evolution as more experience and knowledge are gained. However, based on my current understanding and experiences, here is what I comprehend about the Gospel:

“The Gospel signifies that when we acknowledge God’s existence and believe He sent Jesus to this earth, we begin to understand God’s actions and gain the strength to live according to His will on earth. Jesus, through His obedience and sacrifice, shedding His blood and resurrecting, fulfills this covenant.”

  • Verses 37 and 38 depict Jesus’ foreknowledge and sorrow over His crucifixion, urging His disciples to pray against temptation and for Himself. However, the disciples, not fully grasping the impending death on the cross and overwhelmed by fatigue, failed to pray for Him.
  • Jesus prayed to avoid the suffering of the cross due to His knowledge of the impending pain within His relationship with God. However, He ultimately submitted to God’s will, affirming His identity as the Son of God.
  • The disciples failed to fully grasp God’s will until after Jesus’ ascension when the Holy Spirit descended, enabling them to understand the relationship between Jesus and God. They then dedicated their lives to following God’s will.
  • The distinction between Jesus and the four great sages (Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Socrates(?)) regarding heaven (or enlightenment/nirvana in Buddhism) is notable. While sages sought enlightenment through deep internal meditation, Jesus achieved it through His relationship with God, suggesting heaven is understood through this relationship. I believe, like Jesus, we can also experience and achieve heaven on earth through a relationship with God.
  • Jesus mentioned the spatial concept of heaven after death, but it seems not to be the main focus. Living in heaven’s experience now makes the afterlife’s heaven a bonus, appreciated whether it exists or not.
  • Religious scholars say religion is needed because it addresses the fear of death, hence its universal presence.
  • Through a continuous relationship with God, I’ve overcome the fear of death. Being in God’s presence means death is not frightening, similar to Enoch’s experience, which likely holds symbolic meaning.
  • How can one verify heaven’s existence before death? The existence of heaven ultimately boils down to faith. Focusing solely on the afterlife at the expense of present life can lead to negative consequences, such as sects only longing for heavenly promises.


Hoping it might someday benefit those who yearn for a relationship with God, I’ve created this note today.

Day24- Matthew Chapter 25

  • Verses 35-40, especially verse 40, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me,” have confirmed the thoughts He has been giving me lately, in three instances. Recently, I’ve been contemplating through various means what and how should I live my remaining life for. While it’s true that we must know and live according to God’s will, as the Gospel teaches, I have been pondering how to balance Christ’s ‘redemptive work’ and God’s will of ‘loving one another’ in a way that suits my life.
  • This week, I happened to read an article about Pastor Choi Il-do. I first learned about him when I started going to church in 1989, through the ‘Bread of Life Community’ (Da-il Community: A Resurrecting Community) and the book ‘The Poet Who Cooks, The Love That Serves.’ Since 1988, he has been serving as the head of the ‘Da-il Community,’ directly providing free meals ranging from 800 to 1000 bowls daily for 30 years. Throughout these years, I occasionally looked up news about him, thinking, “He’s still doing it…”
  • A brief summary of his life would include the time during his preparation for theological studies in Germany with his wife in 1988 when he met a helpless elderly man who had been starving on the streets for three days.

***Some parts excerpted from the article***

Pastor Choi: “It all started 30 years ago when I saw a helpless elderly man who had been starving for three days at Cheongryangri Station.

“He was an elderly man from Hamgyong Province. I pretended not to notice in the morning and went to Chuncheon, but when I returned in the evening, he was still there. It was when I was preparing for my studies in Germany. After buying him Seolleongtang (ox bone soup), the next day I saw six more elderly men.”

After that, I started serving ramen in front of the ticket office. “A few days later, police officers came. They said, ‘This is a country that has hosted the Olympics. If North Korea finds out, they’ll say, ‘South Korea still has beggars like this,’ considering it an act of treason and telling us to clean it up. So, we were pushed to the Cheongryangri vegetable market, and then moved under a double-arched bridge because it rained.”

―Was there a homeless person among them who had dropped out of a philosophy department and was an alcoholic?

“Yes. He asked, ‘What really is life?’ An elderly man next to him said, ‘Why do you ask even after eating? Life is just like ramen!’ When I came home, those words echoed in my ears. Ah, what I learned in seminary was utterly useless.”

―What decision did you make?

“If there’s a starving homeless person in front of my house, the real act of love is to immediately provide them with food and clothing. Is going abroad to study theology and just talk about it religion? I questioned myself and made a vow. I won’t speak with my mouth. The only way is to live by life, by action.”

<Pastor Choi’s wandering>

His spiritual pillar was an elderly man from Yongmun Mountain. Pastor Choi once wandered too. It was in 1993. He opened a church with the help of a senior pastor, but it turned into chaos. People lying in their own feces, vomiting food, breaking soju bottles and fighting, brawls… He hit his limit. He asked a detective from the Cheongryangri Police Station to clean up after them and exclaimed, “I’ve devoted my youth, but I won’t do it anymore! I won’t even pee towards Cheongryangri.”

―What did the detective say?

“You should sow seeds where you can see the field. That place is not for sowing seeds.”

―You received encouragement.

“So, I blindly boarded the Gyeongchun Line. I went to Chuncheon to cool off my head. But I mistakenly boarded a train going to Taebaek. And I didn’t have a penny on me. I was kicked off by the conductor and got off at Yangpyeong Yongmun Station.”

―And then?

“I trudged through Yongmun Valley. I couldn’t lift my face because it felt like people were blaming me. On the third morning, I smelled rice. When you’re starving, your sense of smell becomes like a dog’s. I went to see, and an elderly man had set up a tent and was making breakfast. ‘Are you a thief?’ he said. I felt caught and was about to turn away when the elderly man called me.”

―What did he say?

“I’m not a stingy person, but there’s no free lunch in the world. Eat this and go straight back to Cheongryangri.”


“If you go there, Pastor Choi Il-do will give you food. So, start your life anew!” I was overwhelmed with goosebumps and tears streamed down my face.”

―It’s hard to believe. Did you hallucinate from starvation or dream it?

“Not at all. I went back several times to find that Yongmun Mountain elderly man but never could. It was a profound event that etched deeply in my heart that instead of trying to change the world, I needed to change myself first.”

―You must have returned to Cheongryangri after a few days.

“The helpless elderly and homeless people gathered at the station square saw me and unanimously exclaimed, ‘Because of you, we starved for three days! We heard rumors you had run away!’ That day, I cried bitterly.”

<Below is my situation>

  • Before reading this article, watching YouTube videos about life in North Korea made me aware of the reality there, especially the hunger not just in orphanages or remote areas outside Pyongyang. This article about Pastor Choi was the second thought He gave me.
  • And yesterday, listening to a lecture called ‘The Story of India,’ I learned about the poverty in India (the third thought). My heart deeply empathizes with people living in poverty and hunger worldwide.
  • And today, He confirms through this scripture, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me.”
  • I believe that people should live happily, and those who are already happy should help those who are not. This could be spreading the Gospel or physically feeding the hungry. Those in spiritual need should be filled with the inner peace of knowing God, and those in physical need should have their practical needs met.
  • Now (in the U.S., the work I can do: helping people with spiritual needs, which I’m currently praying about), I can do it, and eventually, I should prepare to help with physical needs. I wonder if, in 10 years, there will still be people dying of hunger on Earth. If not, that would be a relief. Then, I could also take care of people suffering from spiritual loneliness. Pastor Choi currently runs the ‘Da-il Community’ and a ‘Loneliness Prevention Center’ in South Korea. It’s said that in Korea now, more people die from loneliness than from hunger. He also runs a ‘Food Serving Community’ in South America.
  • Coming to the U.S., I’ve felt a void in our church life, possibly because we were providing physical (food) support to people who needed to be filled spiritually, especially in the church I used to attend. I hope to find a community here that shares such spiritual giving. I wish for us all to grow together.
  • The power of the Gospel was a strength I needed, not someone else. Without it, I couldn’t care for or love others. I need a relationship with God, and through me, God wants to love others. I should nurture people who can have a relationship with God whenever I have the chance.
  • God still wants to form relationships with other disciples to nurture people with dreams like Pastor Choi Il-do. The source of strength to serve others lies in the power of the Gospel. Maybe this power is primarily needed by those who serve (leaders). Thus, delving deep into a relationship with God in meditation is desperately needed by me today.
  • Couples provide emotional stability, so I hope my husband can also share in such service. Just as God directly spoke to Joseph, I pray He speaks directly to my husband, Kevin. If it is in the Lord’s will, may He give us a united heart. Without my husband, there are things I cannot do. (Pastor Choi Il-do also said his wife is the person he’s most thankful for. If she had complained about his economic incapacity since their youth, he would have been helpless…)


1. Prepare through prayer to connect with believers in our area who want to delve into the essence of Christianity through the Bible (personal preparation: meditation (notes) and organizing Christian history).

2. Prepare to meet Pastor Hugh and Mrs. Lim Jeong-hyeon (mission to North Korea) when my son Sam visits the West this summer (find contact information and make a meeting plan).

3. Make plans for next year’s visit to North Korea (financial issues, prayer, connection methods…).

Day 23- Matthew Chapter 20

1.The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard (Kingdom of Heaven?) 2. Mother’s Fierce Ambition (“Tiger Mom” Syndrome) 3. The Simplicity of Asking.

1.The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard

  • Contrary to the parables of the Kingdom of Heaven I had understood before, this time the Kingdom of Heaven is portrayed like the owner of a vineyard. I had always seen the vineyard as the Kingdom of Heaven (I am one invited to the Kingdom). However, in this scene, the Kingdom of Heaven is described as the landowner, meaning the owner of the vineyard is the Kingdom. The Kingdom can be found in my relationship with the landowner. The owner made a contract with me, independent of others, and living according to this contract is my duty. In other words, my relationship with the vineyard owner represents the Kingdom. The Kingdom is the owner, and since the owner (the Holy Spirit) resides within me, I already possess the Kingdom. The relationship of others with the vineyard owner is their own issue, not mine.
  • Jesus also said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within us.” Living in a relationship with Him, who came as the Holy Spirit, I enjoy the Kingdom today as well. That relationship is the Kingdom. When we host God, who created our existence, within us, we can truly enjoy and be happy in the life of the Kingdom. This can be in the present or the future.

2. Mother’s Fierce Ambition(“Tiger Mom” Syndrome)

  • Unbelievable! Even 2000 years ago, mothers had their fierce ambitions, comparable to the recent Korean drama “Sky Castle.” The scene where the mother of John the Baptist’s two sons (the disciples James and John) takes them to Jesus, requesting one to sit at His right and the other at His left in His Kingdom, is such an example (21). Jesus asked, “You do not know what you are asking,” and “Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?” The places in the Kingdom they desire are not for Jesus to grant but for the Father.
  • Did the mother’s request lead to James and John’s martyrdom? I ponder the outcome of asking without knowing what exactly one is asking for their child. Could the mother have made such a prayer if she knew in advance about the cup of martyrdom? Living happily on this earth is also what God wishes for us, a precious blessing He has given.
  • Because I Know the joy of “serving others with love” from my own experience, I continue to pray that our son Sam will also become a servant of the Lord who serves people with love. And I will also pray for Sam to fully enjoy the precious time God has allowed him on this earth. When praying for my son, I must pray with discernment. God wants us to manage the world (nature) and live happily and joyfully on this earth.

3.Simple Prayer

  • When healing two blind men, Jesus’ question and the men’s answer were very concise: “What do you want me to do for you?” “We want our sight.” Prayer does not need to be long and complicated. Knowing my needs, I will pray simply for what I desire.

  • Let’s check again if there’s any folly in my prayers for Sam. I hope that Sam enjoys all that God has allowed him on this earth and lives happily.
  • As a practice for simple prayer, let’s pray concisely throughout today for what we desire regarding the house we’re currently seeking.

Example: A house perfectly suited for hosting saints, that will sell in 7-8 years, fitting our current financial situation.

Day 22- Matthew Chapter 14

  • Jesus had a particular concern for the unfortunate ones among the crowd (the poor, the sick, those ostracized by society). Verse 14 also mentions that He recognized the needy in the crowd and approached to heal them. Those who are marginalized and unfortunate often tend to be quiet and find it difficult to come forward. Jesus approached them directly. I too want to become more sensitive towards the marginalized and the unfortunate, just like Jesus.
  • My heart goes out more to those in the shadows than to those in glamorous places, which also seems like a heart given by the Lord. Having been blessed with such a heart, when they are around me, I want to sensitively recognize their needs and live helping them as much as I can.
  • Verse 33: Jesus did not directly proclaim Himself as the Son of God but indirectly acknowledged it. One of the arguments presented by those who deny that ‘Jesus is the Son of God’ is that ‘Jesus never once said He was the Son of God.’ However, as in this passage, there are many instances where Jesus indirectly acknowledged His divinity (as I understand it, He was cautious with these words until the end of His ministry).
  • Yet, when the time of the crucifixion approached and He was taken to Pilate, He spoke openly and confidently about being the Son of God.


Let’s not forget to make eye contact and greet Kieth, who cleans the store when going to work in the morning. Make sure to thank him. (Done…keep going..)